Category Archives: Family

My Perfect Day!

If you had to describe your “Perfect Day” what would it look like?  For me nothing could be better than spending time with my husband, son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter.  In a few short months I’ll be able to add grandson to that list, yay.  We don’t live in close proximity so when we are able to get together I am perfectly happy just to spend time together.  If I was able to move closer to them I could have a whole bunch of perfect days.  I’d love to be able to be there for every day activities like dance recitals, swimming lessons, school programs, field trips and soon feeding, burping and changing the baby.  Hey a girl can dream!

I’ve been trying to persuade Paw Paw to  sell our business and retire.  Then I’d be able to be the mother and grandmother I’ve always wanted to be.  Here is a layout of my last perfect day.  It’s been over six months and we overdue a visit.  Hopefully that’ll happen later this month. For this layout I used CatDesignz kit Seraphena.

Celebrate Life

July Word List

Do you like the challenge of the daily word list?  It’s hard to believe but it’s time for the JULY word list, so hear you go.  Now get busy and see what you can come up with.  The Digi Scrapping Divas word list for July was created using Beach Therapy by Fayette Designs.

July Word List

Have the Courage to Cluster

Scrappers should not fear embellies and clusters.  Done right they will take your layouts to the next level.  But there is a right way and a wrong way.  One little flower on a page just gets lost and personally I think bigger is better.  Check out this article for ideas on adding embellishments and clustering on your layouts for a whole new look.  Now even if I don’t change your mind about adding more embellishments to your layouts, it’s good to step out of your comfort zone occasionally and see what you can do.  As for me, I do have a few, a very few, layouts that are fairly minimal so I have stepped out of my zone too!

Ice Cream   Ice Cream Makes Me Silly

I think the layout on the right does a better job expressing the fun and silliness shown in the photos.  Do you agree?

Credits: Sundance kit by Laitha Designs.  Fonts: Pupcat, KC This Is Not Goodbye, Dancing Script, Taiga, and Patterns & Dots.

It’s a Boy!

We just got the news.  We’re expecting a boy.  Yippee!

It's A Boy!

The News is Out!

The news is out!  My son’s family is expecting a new addition.  They’ve been waiting to tell his five year old daughter until mommy and baby were safely through the first trimester.  I think they thought it would be easy to hide but my granddaughter is very bright and they’d gotten to the point that it was not going to be hidden much longer.  So a little over a week ago they shared the news.

My son said it worked out so perfectly.  On Friday evening his daughter called a family meeting so they could discuss their plans for the weekend!  They do this all the time but I think it was the first time she called the meeting!  So the next morning daddy called a family meeting because they had big news to share.  She was so excited but a little doubtful at first.  She said, “Are you sure?  Oh yes, they said, we’ve gone to the doctor and it’s for sure.  They showed her the sonogram picture and let her hear the babies heartbeat they’d recorded.  Her eyes were big as saucers.  Then she said, “But mommies get really big tummies and your tummy isn’t really big!”  So daddy said show her your baby bump.  Then she knew, for sure, we’re having a baby.  She was five going on twenty five.  She sort of took over the meeting and started ticking off her mental list.  It went something like this:

1. We’re all going to have more responsibilities and we’ll all have to pitch in and help.

2. What are we going to name it?  She had some great suggestions but daddy nixed “Fred”.  He said, “We are not naming the baby after the turtle!”

3. She realized it worked out great that they’d just moved into a bigger house with an extra bedroom but where will the baby sleep?  She still sleeps with them so she said it’s going to be very crowded in our bed!  They told her at first the baby will sleep in a bassinet.  So they discussed what a bassinet is and that it would be beside the bed.  Then she had a wonderful five year old idea!  She said mommy and baby can sleep in my bed because I don’t ever use it, lol!

4. Then she thought about the fact that she’s going to be a big sister.  Wow! That’s wonderful news and she’ll be the best big sister ever.

It was about then that Daddy realized his daughter was totally focused on Bee with all the girly things to discuss.  He said, “I have some errands so I’ll leave you ladies to discuss all your plans”.  It was a wonderful, exciting day with many more to come.  Here’s a self portrait at about three months, flash in mirror and all.

Baby Bump

Stacked Papers Are Fantastic!

I love stacked papers.  This is one of my all time favorite layout designs.  I love to make them and I especially love it when someone else makes them and saves me a lot of work.  Here is an example using a pre-made stacked paper.

Big Brothers

This stacked paper is gorgeous and I could have used it as is and it would have looked great.  But, since I have the Spring Comes Softly kit too, I decided to add a few elements myself.  First I added the picture & frame.  Since the frame has a unique shape the photo wouldn’t completely fill it.  I thought tilting it would give the best appearance while drawing attention to the focal point.  I made the journal tag which I wanted to place on the cluster but tucked under the roses.  Since the roses were part of the stacked paper, that wasn’t possible.  So I added the same rose cluster resized to cover the original.  I then added the flowers and roses on the frame and voila, easy peasy!    Here is a preview of the stacked paper set and you can see how gorgeous they all are.  And I’ve got good news for you!  Click on the preview and you can see more layouts made by me and Sharon Horswill using the stacked paper effect.  She’s got some great tips on making your own.   But that’s not all!  You can get this lovely set free until May 10th.  Yes, that’s right, free!  So click the preview now and happy scrapping!

Stacked Paper set

Here’s another hint.  Although I had the kit and could use some of the same elements on my layout, I have also used elements from other kits on pre-made stacked papers and quick pages.  The trick is to find elements with the same or coordinating colors and the same “feel” as the page you’re working on.  Then repeat the element(s) several times on the page.



iNSD Weekend Freebies & a New Kit

I love inter-National Scrapbooking Day Week!  The celebration keeps getting bigger and lasting longer and with good reason.  With all the fantastic freebies & other savings being offered it can take days to make the rounds. I definitely need the extra time.

Catherine at CatDesignz has just released a gorgeous new kit called Spring Comes Softly.   I love the papers aged look and the elements are gorgeous too.  One thing I’ve seen recently is lace mesh ribbon.  I absolutely love it so I was thrilled when I opened this kit and found lace mesh!   In keeping with the aged look I was going for, I used TXT Abrasion font for “then & now” and “family” is part of the wonderful word art included in the kit.  Here is my layout using Spring Comes Softly.   I hope it gives you an idea of how lovely this kit is.

Family Then and Now

Here is a preview of my portion of the hop.  Just click on the image to get this word art free now to May 10th.

Sing a Song of Spring WA

Here is a complete list of all of our teams blogs with freebies.  Visit them and get all the freebies & you’ll have a fantastic kit.





Yobeth  You are here

Digi Scrapping Divas


Then, as if that’s not enough, MyMemories is having a store-wide sale giving you 25% off and you can use this coupon code Catz25 for an additional 25% off anything in Catherine’s store.  The coupon code and store-wide sale are both good through May 6th!  What better time to pickup Spring Comes Softly! Then you’ll have a mega bundle with all the pieces.   Again the coupon code is Catz25 and clicking the image below will take you to this kit.  However, you can use the discount on anything in CatDesignz store.  It’s totally up to you.

Spring Comes Softly kit

So to sum it all up… Catz25 coupon code to use at MyMemories store good through May 6th.  It can be used for 25% off anything in CatDesignz store and can be combined with MyMemories store-wide sale.  The blog hop freebies are available to download until May 10th.

Word Challenge List for May

Do you like the daily word challenges at  Well here is your list for May.  I hope you’ll share your layouts with us.


This layout was made using a page from the photo book I designed called Beautiful Celestine Photo Book.  In honor of using her kit, CatDesignz has put the photo book on special until the end of May.  You can get it at an unbelievable price here.  Here’s a preview of 4 of the pages.

Beautiful Celeste Photobook

And here is the page used for the daily word challenge with the original photo in place.

CT CatDesignz-013


Fruit of the Spirit freebie

This is my first freebie made exclusively by me.  I know it’s pretty simple but I love it and I hope you will too.  Clicking on the sample will take you to Mediafire for the download.

Fruit of the Spirit sample

New Venture!

I’m learning a new scrapbooking program.  Well it’s not a new program but it’s new to me!  I have friends that use Memory Mixer so I just had to give it a try.  In some ways it’s very similar to the program I’ve been using but in other ways it’s quite different.  This is the second page I’ve made with the new software so you can see it’s very easy to install and jump right in.  I’ll be practicing and getting to know the ins and outs so I can get some tutorials out soon.  Also keep your eyes open for some special offers right here for those of you that would like to give Memory Mixer a go.

Bottle Baby w/Memory Mixer

Credits:  Kit: Bella Grace by Just So Scrappy.  Font: Forte.