Christmas Tree Tutorial in MMS

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Christmas Tree Tutorial-010

8 responses

  1. That’s so funny. I made a tree the exact same way yesterday using Barb’s border shape. I had posted a tutorial on another website and my FB page, just using straight edges, then make a few different ones.. some using Barb’s shape and some using scalloped shapes. Great minds think alike. 🙂 Beautiful Yobeth.

    1. Too funny! I just looked on your facebook page. That’s super cute. Where’d you post the one using Barb’s border shape? I thought I was being so clever, haha. Oh and thanks! Sharon actually had the idea a couple weeks ago for the weekly challenge so I can’t take credit for the idea 😉

  2. Ahhh – that Sharon is a clever gal. They look great though. Funny how we all ended up doing something so similar.

  3. This is super cool! Love it!

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